Catto Names & Bios

Naming and giving your Cattos a biography, as simple as it is, and as seemingly pointless and boring as it seems, is a super critical component of any gamifications. The very first action in many mainstream games is to give your character a name.

When someone names something, it creates an emotional attachment. It makes a lot of sense not just for gamified NFTs, even for PFP NFTs, the simple act of naming one's PFP can have the benefit of a higher sense of attachment and ownership, therefore more like for the holder to hodl.

When your Cattos reach level 3 and 4, you will be able to give them names, and write a biography for each.

Diamonds are forever, so are the Cattos

The names and biographies you give to your Cattos are persisted on the blockchain. When you hodl a Catto, send it on expeditions, and build up the lore, based on your personal journey and milestones, you are essentially immortalising your "digital-self", and your life on the blockchain.

Thus diamonds are forever, so are the Cattos.

Catto having a name is one of the prerequisites for higher level actions, such as individual lores, union stones, etc.

Action: Name Catto

This allows the owner to name Catto for the first time.

The action also creates an entry within the Catto's lore.


  • Level 3

  • 500 $KATSU

Action: Rename Catto

It is possible to rename the Catto. It will allow buyers of Cattos that already have a name to rename according to their own preferences.

The action also creates an entry within the Catto's lore.


  • Level 3

  • 1000 $KATSU

Action: Write Catto Bio

A short write-up about the Catto


  • Level 4

  • 1000 $KATSU

Action: Re-write Catto Bio

Re-write bio for the Catto


  • Level 4

  • 1000 $KATSU

Last updated