For Server Admins

Adding Bot to Your Discord Server

Go to and click the Invite Bot button. Alternatively, click on this invite link .

Bot Role

Ensure the bot role, Katsu.Land is ABOVE the role which you want the bot to grant upon holders' successful verifications.

Eg. Role to grant: Verified

Will work:

  • Katsu.Land

  • Verified

Will not work:

  • Verified

  • Katsu.Land

To confirm, go to your server Role settings, you can drag and drop to reorder the roles, and to ensure Katsu.Land role is above the role to be granted

Bot Setup

Only Discord server admins with the MANAGE_SERVER permission are able to use the /kl-init command for setup

/kl-init might sometimes show an error, this is due to the 3 second reply requirement from Discord. The operation should be successful behind the scene. Use /kl-list-integrations to confirm. Dev pls do smth (on it)!

Before your Discord members can start using the bot, you need to do an initial setup first. You can used the command /kl-init to do so. As a general Discord administration good practice, we recommend you to create a private, admin-only channel specifically for using administrative bot commands.

The /kl-verify command requires 5 parameters:

  • collection-title - Type in a human understandable title for this integration, eg. Catto Katsu NFT

  • blockchain - Select the blockchain your NFT collection is on, currently supports Fantom, Ethereum, and Harmony One

  • contract - Paste in your NFT contract address, eg. 0x84Ee4aAB969E38732Bce4Cee789357d4503afb27

  • role - Type in the role to be received once token holders have verified, eg. @Verified Holders . You should already have the private channel set up, accessible only by this role

  • min-tokens - Type in the minimum amount of NFT tokens holders need to have in order to qualify for the role, eg. 1

That's it, your NFT holders can now start using the bot!

You can setup more than 1 integrations by going premium (hold a Catto NFT) or being a Friend of Catto (reach out to us, while stock last!).

Enabling Audit (optional)

You can activate audit for the integration. By doing so, the bot will periodically check token holders' status. If token is removed from holder's wallet, role will be revoked.

Use /kl-list-integration to get the ID. Then run /kl-enable-audit to enable this feature. To disable, run /kl-disable-audit

If you do activate, do note the caveat that if the token participates in your ecosystem that takes the token out from a user's wallet (eg. NFT staking), user will lose the role.

Last updated